City of Thousand Oaks

infraMAP® Implementation
- Enterprise SDE Integration (SQL Server)
- MaintStar CMMS Integration
- infraMAP Field
City of Thousand Oaks is located in Ventura County, California, and has the following attributes:
- Over 55 square miles of service area
- Serves a population of 128,650
- Over 400 miles of sewer collection pipeline
City of Thousand Oaks chose infraMAP software to be the field crew entry point for their mapping system and improve data input into MaintStar CMMS. Previously field crews had to highlight a paper map and then fill out a work order at the end of day.

With the implementation of infraMAP the City of Thousand Oaks has improved efficiency by 30%. The City of Thousand Oaks is now operating in a fully digital environment thus reducing city-wide staff time. Supervisors can take advantage of the Reporting Tool to see how Line Cleaning Crews are progressing. GIS and IT staff also benefit from the straight forward software deployment and ease of administration.